Monday, June 9, 2008

easter camp

apparantly god called me to michigan? hah

yeah well nah thats not the case long story and personal joke on that...

um well ima just copy and paste what i spoke in church yesterday sweet?

"Hey ya, well I’m Thomas and last night while I was sitting at home Julia asked me if I would like to share with all of you today about what I enjoyed about and what God did for me at Easter / Queens / Fresh It Up Camp this year. I don’t think anyone knows what it’s called.

Initially what went through my mind was heck no, I mean I’m terrified enough to even be standing on a stage with a group of people let alone being the centre of attention. But at camp during a powerful time of prayer on Sunday night Craig Clark, who was one of the guest speakers at the camp came over and prayed for me. And what he prophesied scared me just the same as what Julia had asked last night. 

He said that I had the gift of speech over my life and that I would reveal old things in new ways to people, and well that I would one day preach to people. Who would have thought that a week later? Ok so I was standing there absolutely terrified, cause I’ve never been confident in being in the public eye, but everything else he said over me was so real that it broke me, broke who, or what, I thought I was in God. It gave me a greater conviction as to what my plans, or should I say Gods plans for my future were. 

Nadia Clark shared a message on Saturday night about everyone being a sound that has to be heard, just like in a band, like our band here, without the bass guitar playing the music sounds empty, I may be bias in that fact but hey bass for life!

When your sound is missing; the world, your friends, your family is missing out. Ill finish with this scripture that Nadia used during the Saturday night session.

2 Corinthians 2:12 “Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me”

He went, stepped out in faith, and found that God had opened a door for him.

Which to me emphasis that faith without works is dead, and that I need to step out in what has been prophesied over me cause then, God will open the doors in my life."

Hope you enjoyed that or was blessed like some of the congregation at church were... 


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